How To Host a Murder Mystery Dinner Party
(In 15 Simple Steps)
It’s a whodunit mystery theater! The best part is, the proceeds go to support The Nest, a local community mentoring program dedicated to caring for pregnant women and new moms.
Purchase your ticket, and take part in this immersive play as you engage with the various characters.
October 20, 2023
7:00 PM
West Minster Hall, Grace College
105 9th Street Winona Lake IN 46590
Friday event dress is casual or feel free to wear your best mansion attire

Please Note for this Friday, October 20th Show
Our Friday night show is a special preview show and limited tickets are available!
A silent auction will take place prior to the show and specialty coffee and dessert will be available for purchase during intermission.
All proceeds to benefit The Nest.
(Please note that the Friday event DOES NOT include a meal.)