The Nest
Referral Program
Along with one-to-one mentorship, The Nest families are given the opportunity to participate in individualized goal setting, counseling, recovery support, and parenting and life skills education.
The Nest integrates healthcare and social services based on keeping children safely with their families.
Working with Mother Mentors, Caregivers are taught how to support their newborn while they are also receiving support to navigate and access community systems of care. Our cross-sector care team
surrounds families with resources and support and if necessary, creates a child services case
plan to avoid removal or work toward reunification of the child, including treatment, safety plans,
advocacy, and documentation assistance.

Figure 1
A Hub & Spoke Model
In an effort to strategically address the critical gaps in the social, emotional and safety needs for at-risk mothers, The Nest utilizes a concentrated Hub and Spoke model in Kosciusko County.
Coordinating with a team of Spokes (see Figure 1) needed to holistically wrap around the mother and the systems that care for and serve them, The Nest deploys an intensive case-management style that then transitions to a community mentoring approach.
The intent is to build a concentrated holistic model that may be smaller in reach, but substantial in dose and depth of the programming for this vulnerable population.